martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Los secretos del corazón de una mujer / The secrets of a woman's heart

El feminismo ha hecho mucho daño a la sociedad, a los hombres, pero sobre todo, a las mismas mujeres. Se puso la meta de colocar a las mujeres en un plano de absoluta igualdad con los hombres y lo está logrando. Ahora las mujeres han empezado a pensar como los hombres. Y así como los hombres nunca hemos sido capaces de entender a las mujeres, así ellas se han vuelto incapaces de entenderse a sí mismas. Sólo por ello me atrevo a escudriñar en las profundidades del corazón femenino para intentar comprender sus angustias y sus anhelos, aunque sé que es un esfuerzo que probablemente termine en fracaso. El misterio de la femineidad va más allá de mis limitadas capacidades de razonamiento. Su entendimiento requiere de una cierta intuición (intuición que toda mujer tiene) de la cual yo carezco. Contemplar ese misterio e intentar hablar de él me coloca en una situación similar a la que me pasaba en los primeros años de la adolescencia cuando hablar con una mujer era motivo suficiente para sonrojarme de pies a cabeza y de dejar mi mente en blanco, incapaz de pronunciar palabra alguna.

Empecemos pues, viendo algunas de las pruebas de que la mal llamada liberación femenina en realidad ha “masculinizado” a las mujeres, causándoles con ello un grave daño. Una muy evidente y que cada día se vuelve más grave pues cada día es más común, es la de las mujeres que ponen su ambición personal por encima de todo. Estas mujeres han demostrado ser tan (o a veces hasta más) inteligentes, fuertes y astutas que los hombres más exitosos. Asisten a las mejores universidades del mundo, dirigen grandes corporaciones y ocupan importantes puestos en el gobierno. Tienen grandes ambiciones y lo obtienen todo por sí mismas y para sí mismas. Pero entonces, al mirarse en el espejo, descubren que quien las mira de vuelta no es una mujer ambiciosa sino un hombre, y un hombre despreciable: el hombre ambicioso y egoísta que es capaz de cualquier cosa por obtener su éxito personal. En eso se han convertido al usar el acceso a una educación y a una carrera no como un medio para realizar más plenamente su propia femineidad, sino para alcanzar un estado de identidad (es decir, un estado sin diferencia alguna) con el hombre.

Todo esto porque han perdido de vista el fin última de sí mismas: la autoentrega. Este también es el fin del hombre, pero la forma en que lo realizan es distinta, acorde a sus naturalezas respectivas. Cuando una mujer ignora este hecho, está ignorando una realidad inscrita en su mismo cuerpo. Su propio cuerpo está hecho para darse a otros, empezando por su capacidad de dar y mantener la vida de otro ser humano. Es una terrible contradicción que la misma sociedad que tanto habla de ceder ante los instintos más bajos pretenda reprimir el instinto más noble de todos: el instinto maternal. ¡Qué oportunidad tan grande tienen las mujeres para satisfacer su llamado al servicio! La maternidad es un medio de autoentrega que ningún hombre posee y ante el cual sólo podemos asombrarnos. Si un hombre es incapaz de admirarse ante la belleza del misterio de la maternidad, si es incapaz de ver lo grande y lo noble que han sido, son y serán todas y cada una de las mujeres que han aceptado el don de ser madres, entonces ese hombre es indigno de hacerse llamar hombre.

Y aún así, la sociedad que se proclama liberadora de la mujer busca por todos los medios acabar con el regalo de la maternidad. Al acabar con la maternidad pervierte la sexualidad feminina, tal como ha pervertido a la sexualidad masculina. En lugar de ser una entrega mutua, se convierte en una utilización del otro. Qué ejemplo más claro que lo que en Estados Unidos se denomina “cougars” [mujeres mayores que utilizan a hombres más jóvenes como juguetes sexuales]. Estas mujeres, que por lo general han sido exitosas en su vida laboral, a pesar de que con ello han renunciado a formar una familia, descubren que viven con un vacío en el corazón. Pero, siendo las mujeres exitosas que son (¿o será mejor llamarlas hombres exitosos?) son incapaces de entregarse a otro o rebajarse ante un hombre, como lo demanda el verdadero amor. Para ellas es más fácil usar a hombres más jóvenes (y estúpidos, yo añadiría) para satisfacer sus propios deseos sexuales, sin necesidad de ningún tipo de compromiso o sacrificio. Pero entonces, estas mujeres ven su reflejo y lo que ven no es una mujer triunfante ante la inferioridad del hombre. Lo que ven es a un hombre, el mismo tipo de hombre que probablemente encontraron en algún punto de su vida y que las dejó profundamente lastimadas: el patán, aquél que se gloria de usar a las mujeres. Al ignorar su vocación a la autoentrega en el amor, las mujeres se transforman en aquello que más odian.

Después de entender todo esto, es evidente por qué tantas mujeres se sienten frustradas y decepcionadas a pesar de todos sus avances. Así, convertidas en copias de los hombres más ruines, ¿cómo podrán satisfacer el anhelo de su alma de ser inspiración y razón de ser de otros? Una vez derribadas de su pedestal para colocarlas en el mismo lugar que los hombres, después de haberles arrebatado a los hijos de sus entrañas y de haberlas convertido en objetos para usar y desechar, ¿qué hombre querrá encontrar en ellas una luz que lo guíe a ser mejor de lo que es? Humillada y herida, usada y abandonada, la mujer moderna yace desnuda y expuesta. Se ha vuelto como los más despreciables de los hombres. Así, ¿qué caballero querrá cubrirla con su manto?

Feminism has done much damage to society, to men, but, above all, to women. It set itself the goal of placing women in a plane of absolute equality with men and it is achieving that. Now women think like men. And just like we men have never been able to understand women, so have they become incapable of understanding themselves. Only because that is true do I dare to scrutinize the female heart,, trying to grasp its anxieties and longings, though I know it is an effort that will most probably end in failure. The mystery of feminity goes way beyond my limited capacity of reasoning. Its full understanding requires a certain intuition (intuition which every woman posesses) which I lack. Contemplating this mystery and trying to write about it places me in a similar situation to the one I experienced in puberty while trying to speak to a girl: I would blush from head to toes, my mind would go blank and I would be unable to pronounce a single word.

Lets begin by looking at some proofs that the so-called women's liberation has only succeeded in masculinizing women, causing them a great evil. One case that is very evident and ever more grave since it becomes more common by the day is that of women who place their personal ambition above everything else. These women have proven to be as smart, strong and astute as the most successful of men. They attend the best universities in the world, lead large corporations and occupy important seats in the government. They have large ambitions and they obtain everything by themselves and for themselves. But then, when they look in the mirror, they find out that it is not an ambitious woman who is staring back at them, but a man. A most despicable man: ambitious and selfish, capable of doing anything in order to succeed. That's what they have become when they use their education and their career not as a means to fulfill their own femininity, but to reach a state of identity, that is, one where there is no difference with men.

All this happens because they have lost from sight the goal of their existence: self-giving. That is also mens goal but how we reach it is different, according to our distinct nature. When a woman forgets this fact, she is ignoring a reality that is written in her very body. Her body is made to give itself to others, beginning with its capability of giving and sustaining the life of another human being. What a terrible contradiction that the same society that talks so much about giving in to our lowest instincts seeks, at the same time, to repress the most noble of all human instincts: the maternal instinct. What a huge opportunity do women have to satisfy their calling to serving others! Maternity is a means of self-giving which no man has and in front of which we can only stand in awe. If a man cannot admire the beauty of the mystery of motherhood, if he cannot see how great and noble each and every woman who has accepted that gift has been, then he is unworthy of being called a man.

And yet, the same society that calls itself liberator of women seeks, through all possible means, to anhilate that gift of motherhood. When motherhood is destroyed, female sexuality is perverted, just like male sexuality has been perverted. Instead of sexuality being a gift of one's self to the other, it becomes a using the other. What better example of this than the women known as cougars [older women who use young men as sex toys]. These women, who are usually highly successful in their careers have given up other things (like forming a family) in order to achieve their goals but have come to realize that they have an emptiness in their hearts. But, being the successful women that they are (or should I say successful men?), they are not capable of giving themselves to someone else, let alone lowering themselves before a man (who would, at the same time, lower himself before her), as is required by true love. It is easier for them to use young (and I'd add stupid) men to satisfy their sexual cravings. That way they can avoid any sort of commitment or sacrifice. But then, when these women look at their reflection they don't see a powerful woman who can submit men to her will. They see a man, the same type of man who probably left them deeply hurt at some point in their lives: a jerk, the man who boasts about using women. When women ignore their vocation to self-giving, they become that which they hate the most.

After undestanding this, its evident why so many women feel frustrated and disappointed despite all the “advances” of feminism. Turned into copies of the lowest of men, how could they ever satisfy the yearning of their souls to be inspiration and the reason of being of others? Once they have been knocked down from their pedestals to be placed in the same place than men, after the children of their womb have been taken away from them and once they've been turned into objects that can be used and thrown away, what man could possibly want to see in them a light that will guide them to become better men? Humiliated and wounded, used and thrown away, modern woman lies naked at the view of all. She has become like the most despised of men. What gentleman would want to cover her with his mantle?

3 comentarios:

Ruth dijo...

Most women aren’t and don’t want to be like this. Although the media and a sliver of crazy women claim to represent all, this isn’t the goal for women as a whole. I would say they want opportunities, respect, and love, but they aren’t betraying their womanhood. Almost every woman desires children (even if they say their career is more important at the time). They know they are women, and most don’t try to hide that.

It is distressing, however, that a few women are like this. I used to know one, and she was an emotional wreck all the time, but still attempted to appear strong and confident. That was tragic to me.

CeeCee dijo...

"Maternity is a means of self-giving which no man has and in front of which we can only stand in awe."


Alejandro dijo...

Yes, I agree with you. I actually believe that NO woman wants to be like that. The problem is that our culture is always bombarding women with the idea that they can and should be absolutely equal to men but it never tells them the consequences. So women seek to fulfill their womanhood through this false ideal and in the end they find out that they were lied to.

I used these examples because they are the most extreme ones and they're good for proving my point. But I do believe that many women have been cheated into trying to become like men, though in more subtle ways.

I wanted to write about how the desire to have children that most (if not all) women have has also been perverted in certain cases by this tendency to become like men. I forgot about it while I was writing though. It'll be in some other post when I talk about that.